Won’t be getting those again

There isn’t a whole lot I regret in my life.  I’m a forward-thinker, an optimistic, glass-half-full kind of girl.  I mean, sure, there were some questionable hair styles back in the 80s, and some glasses that I wish weren’t quite so big.  And colorful.  But you know, all in all, I’ve been pretty lucky to be able to look around, shrug, and say, “Eh, no regrets.”

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It’s a good thing

Just made my first batch of homemade laundry detergent. This recipe had good reviews on the interwebs and is obscenely cheap. Took a bit of elbow grease (had to grate a bar of Fels-Naptha soap), but I watched a PBS special on John Muir while I did it. Ironic, yes?
I’m a regular Martha Stewart, I am. Only without the money. And the sewing ability. And the stick up my arse.
Nevermind. I’m nothing like her. I’m just cheap and have a desire to not harm my family or the environment with unnecessary chemicals.
So excited to try this out! Haven’t been this jazzed to do laundry since we got the front-loader.

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Note to self

Stop booking the damn 6:45 a.m. flight to Kansas City. It’s not fun getting up at 3:30.
Quick trip…back Wednesday.
Not so much for M. He departed this morning for a 2-week APJ tour. (That’s Asia-Pacific-Japan in his world-traveler-business-unit lingo.) Specifically Seoul, South Korea and all over Australia.
Lenexa, KS vs S. Korea and Australia. Good thing I went to France a couple weeks ago or I’d be green with envy. Okay, so maybe I’m a little green anyway.

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Last night we went out for National Ravioli Day (yes, I do live in the best country ever) to a new little Italian joint up the road.  The food was amazing, save the t-ravs (ironic, yes?).  They were a bit tough and chewy.  But the hand-rolled meatballs, and the aroncinis and the salads were top notch and definitely worthy of returning.

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Concurring diagnoses!

Okay, boys and girls.  We might be finally settling on a resolution.  At the very least, a common diagnosis.  Dentist today poked around, and rattled his metal mirror torture-device thingy around my teeth and, after peeling me off the ceiling, proclaimed, “I think it’s trigeminal neuralgia.”  Ding ding ding!  That’s what the primary care doc said, so that’s what we’re going with for now.

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