A hunt, and a surprise

We went to Palm Sunday Mass and the Alumni Family Easter Egg Hunt at M’s alma mater today. We tried to go last year but the event was snowed out. We had rain this year, but they hid the eggs in the hallway of the high school and the kids had a blast. By “hid” I mean someone threw a ton of plastic eggs down the main hallway and called it a day. M said, “It looks like the Easter Bunny had a blowout!”

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Make new friends, and…lock the others in the closet

Most of the time, I love being a Girl Scout troop leader. I like planning meetings and thinking about what will help the girls learn while they have fun. I like the moms who are involved as my co-leader, cookie chair, treasurer, and April Showers chair. I like that my daughter is continuing a tradition that I started, that she’s proudly building her sash like I built mine. I love that she loves Girl Scouts just as much as I did. I love that her grandmother was a Girl Scout, and is now helping at all of our meetings – ensuring three generations of my family at these meetings (you gotta admit that’s just damn cool).

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The sounds of campus

I love days with moderate temperatures because I can open my office window and let in fresh air. What I also let in is noise, and today I realized that the variety of sounds that I hear on any given day at my job couldn’t be any more diverse.

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Choosing to believe

Some days, when it seems like it’s impossible for anything to go right, when it seems the odds are stacked against you, when it seems as though, despite your best efforts, things are still f*cked up…some days you just gotta believe that it will all work out just fine. Even when it seems logistically impossible.

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