Finding my way back

Ach, been horrible about blogging this week.  Trying to pack too much in, and it’s mostly work-related.  My brain is telling me, quite rationally, that I need to incorporate more balance into my life.  All work and no play makes Amy cranky, eventually.  But right now, my job is making my heart sing.  I have so much to do, and I love every. single. bit.  I write all day, every day.  I consult on how to position issues to both external and internal audiences.  I work with a variety of great people in a variety of roles.  And I laugh.  A lot.

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Not home yet, but home

I’m in Atlanta. So, not home yet but home in the country sense. Home in the “hey” sense as opposed to “bonjour.” Thanks instead of merci. I love France, but I love America more.
I lost my passport in the Bordeaux airport (and then found it, obviously), and I nearly killed a Chinese man whose sheer travel ineptitude caused my brand new MacBook to crash to the ground off the security conveyer belt in Paris. Still steaming about that one. Also trying to figure out why I had to go through security three times today, having never left the secured area in any airport.
So, yeah, I’m really ready to be home. This last flight will be considerably shorter than the Paris-Atlanta route, during which I watched three full-length movies, read a bit, napped a bit, and waited for 20 minutes to use the lavatory. My goal in the lav is to get in and out of those things as quickly as possible. What do people DO in there?!
I return triumphant, though. I had escargot. I ate snails, and I liked ’em. Hard not to like something drowned in garlic and butter, though.

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My adorable little room looks out to an ancient building.
Arrived just fine, along with my luggage. Charles DeGaulle airport is spectacular. Managed to get a bit of sleep between Atlanta and Paris, then more on the way to Bordeaux. My cab driver picked me and another employee up in a BMW. Downtown Libourne is quaint, what little I’ve seen of it. Boss is picking me up shortly for a factory tour. And hopefully some food – I just realized I’m starving! Breakfast was meager, and about seven hours ago on the plane.
It’s about 2:30 pm here. I just talked to Zozo, who is on her way to school for the day. I keep seeing small children, and it makes my heart break to miss her so. I’ve never been so far away from her; I have to just not think about it or I’ll start tearing up.
I’ve showered and changed, and feel like a new person. Must go – shouldn’t keep the boss waiting!

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I usually don’t read too much into things, but sitting at my gate this morning, waiting for my flight, this was my view. Uh oh.
So far:
Flight delayed.
Got here early to sit on a concall from hell. That it turns out I wasn’t really needed for.
Restaurant forgot to put the chicken on my salad, and I didn’t notice until I was finished eating. (Free salad!)
Realized that while I remembered my nighty-night pills, I packed them in my checked bag. Lotta good they’ll do me there! (My company has now grossly overpaid for a small pack of Tylenol PM, but I figure we’re square as I saved them an $11 salad.)
Well, the good news is my plane just arrived, and I have a new bag of peanut m&m’s in my purse. Yay!
Next stop: Atlanta.

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This just proves that going to the neurologist is no fun.
Another vote for trigeminal neuralgia today. I tried really hard not to cry when he told me there is no treatment for it, but I couldn’t help it. They throw scary meds at it in varying doses to try and manage it, but it’s all really just a crap shoot. Maybe it’ll go away on its own, in time. Maybe.
I think if you’re going to give a person news like that, you should at least let her get some kicks with the rolling stools.

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