
I had this brilliant idea to port all the posts from my old Blogger site to here, so that all of my Most Important Writing About Stupid Shit would be in one place, and would be more secure. Blogger is a free platform and once my blog grew into something decently substantial (over 2,500 posts) I always worried that one day it would be disappeared without warning, and that I’d lose everything. Blogger has already been sold at least once (I think Google owns it now), and doesn’t seem as robust as a few of the other platform sites, so I figure it’s inevitable that it’ll wind up languishing with MySpace in an unsupported cyber purgatory. I looked into moving everything when I first launched my new online home, but there were lots of complicated instructions involving exporting and importing and inserting code into the depths of my new website and since I had already taxed my considerable computing skills just getting the thing set up, I passed on the idea.

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Jealousy and Fear

I’ve been looking for – and finding – a shitload of inspiration out here in the Internets. Lots of amazing, talented, gifted writers who blow me away in 500 words or 4000 words of whatever. Fiction, non-fiction, blogs. I’ve even found one writer who is currently being celebrated while I think she’s just kind of bitchy. One of her adoring fans, a fledgling writer, asked her how to deal with jealousy, and she responded that the girl didn’t have enough experience yet to be jealous. WTF. Jealousy is jealousy. It’s illogical and irrational and shitty and you can’t help the way you feel. That’s what makes it so awful. “Hey there, green monster. It’s not time for you yet! Wait until I’ve sweated and toiled for 10 years and gotten nowhere. Then come back for only then I shall be worthy of harboring jealous thoughts.” Get over yourself, already. And stop making women feel like their feelings aren’t valid. That’s not cool. It’s like eating your young.

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A hunt, and a surprise

We went to Palm Sunday Mass and the Alumni Family Easter Egg Hunt at M’s alma mater today. We tried to go last year but the event was snowed out. We had rain this year, but they hid the eggs in the hallway of the high school and the kids had a blast. By “hid” I mean someone threw a ton of plastic eggs down the main hallway and called it a day. M said, “It looks like the Easter Bunny had a blowout!”

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Couldn’t you just use air freshener?!

Another reminder why I love my job. We just received a few of these in as samples.
I coulda used this product back when I was a kid and our aging golden retrievers would drop loaded fartbombs before struggling to their feet and lumbering slowly out of the danger zone.
Rest assured, my biggest question was answered right there on the label: yep, works on people farts, too.
And yes, you’re reading that correctly. It does indeed say, “From the makers of Poop Freeze.”
What’s not to love about the animal health industry?

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Won’t be getting those again

There isn’t a whole lot I regret in my life.  I’m a forward-thinker, an optimistic, glass-half-full kind of girl.  I mean, sure, there were some questionable hair styles back in the 80s, and some glasses that I wish weren’t quite so big.  And colorful.  But you know, all in all, I’ve been pretty lucky to be able to look around, shrug, and say, “Eh, no regrets.”

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Sign here, here, here, here, here, here, and here

I have spent the last two hours of my evening filling out employment paperwork.  The company for which I’ve been contracting for the last year is finally pulling the trigger and making me an honest woman.  I’m becoming a regular ol’ employee with benefits and everything.  This is a good thing…a very good thing.

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Going on 24 hours awake. My checked bag did not make the last flight.
M, having had this happen to him multiple times, and being a man who does not require make-up, lotions or potions to function, is not feeling my pain.

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