March 2, 2014 by Amy
the day
Although we are so sad we aren't having a blast in Cincinnati this weekend, we are making the best of it. M had an ACTS meeting this morning, and then we all went to Dunkin Donuts for breakfast. We hit the mall, where Zozo got a new Build-A-Bear with her gift cards (the St. Patrick's Day bear – yes!) and Momo got a new purse. This may not sound important, but it is. I get a new bag about every three or four years, and it's gotta be just right. I have specs: two handles (one short for over the forearm plus a strap long enough to wear crossbody), at least one outside pocket for the phone, and big enough to hold all my crap and possibly an iPad or notebook, but not too big. I'm like the Goldilocks of handbags. I found the perfect bag today, and am thrilled.
We delivered a shit-ton of Girl Scout cookies. All that remains are the work orders (all sorted and labeled, and M's are even already loaded in the car) and four boxes destined for Chicago. Thank you to all who ordered.
Dinner out: yummy Thai. Mmmmm.
Home for pie and ice cream, and watching the outdoor hockey game in Chicago.
And I got my 10,000 steps in.
It couldn't have gotten much better. Unless, you know, we were in Cincy.
And now we just wait for the storm. If there isn't a crapload of snow tomorrow I'm gonna be pissed.
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