
After months and months of talking about how we were going to go pee and poo on the potty when we were four, it didn’t happen. Sigh.

So today, along with two dozen birthday “moon” doughnuts to share with her teachers and friends, Zoe went to school with a bag of extra clothes and three pair of underwear. Her teachers had told me, no matter what, bring the underwear and the clothes (and her washable Crocs) Monday and that would be that. Showdown in the potty. At the first pull-up changing, after the soiled one is discarded, she’ll be handed a pair of underwear. “Put these on and come out, or don’t and stay in the potty. Those are your only options.”

I’m living in fear that my child will be spending the entire day naked in the potty at school.

We arrived this morning and Zoe announced that she had underwear in the bag. Her teachers looked at me hopefully. I sighed and said, “We have underwear in the bag, but we’re not actually wearing it.” Ms. Carrie responded in a determined manner, “She will by the end of the day.”

Today, Underwear Day, is just going to crawl by…probably for two of us, anyway.

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