Untitled Bing Bong

I’ve removed my Party Hostess Hat and have replaced it with my Maid of Honor Hat. Let’s see…I’ve booked manis and pedis, up-dos and special occasion make-ups, and have surveyed the other ‘maids about whether or not they want to wear gloves (a resounding no on that one). I’m planning the bridal shower and the bachelorette party, and I’m working on something for the guest give-aways (can’t spoil the surprise by posting what it is) and should have those done next week.

I do believe I’m doing more work for my sister’s wedding than I ever did for my own! She’s worth it, though. However, if I could keep her and my mom from hyperventilating every five seconds about various issues that would be great.

We have officially begun our Christmas shopping, knocking out a few people yesterday. I know many people who are already done, gifts already wrapped and even shipped. Wow. I am so not one of those people. I’m a tweener…not quite an early-bird but not waiting until the day before Christmas either. I’d like to get it done earlier, but things just keep popping up. Mainly our Christmas Display. See, M and I do all our Christmas shopping together. Always have, and probably always will. So when he’s otherwise engaged (i.e. running himself into the ground to put up The Best Christmas Display in the World) I’m unable to get our shopping done early. I know, we are sick and twisted for always going together, but it’s tradition and we both enjoy it and make an event of it so either we start our Christmas shopping before Halloween, or I just resign myself to the fact that we’ll never be done early.

While at the mall yesterday, we gave Zozo her first sip of soda. We had a giant Sprite (Christmas shopping makes us thirsty) and thought we’d share with her. The carbonation surprised her, I think, which is why she took her first sip, made a face, then opened her mouth and let it all dribble back out onto M’s sweater (he was holding her). We laughed our butts off, then offered her another sip. This time she actually drank it, and seemed quite pleased. Today we are trying chocolate milk for the first time. Mmmmm. Chocolate.

Tonight we’re going to see the Rams play. Get to see Lovie and the Bears, too, which will be fun. Of course, we’ve been stinking it up lately, so we’ll see how they do. It’s good for Date Night, anyway. Thanks to Grandma and Grandpa Z for watching Zozo for us tonight!

Wow. What a dud of a post. I can’t even come up with a creative title for it. Whenever I see art and the title of the piece is “Untitled” it just makes me scowl. How can you not title something? It’s ridiculous. Now, granted, my titles for my photographs aren’t exactly awe-inspiring. I pretty much just state what the subject is, or where it was taken, but at least I put something. It irks me when an artist can’t even come up with a rudimentary title. “Untitled” is not a title. It’s an untitle. Hence the word. It just bugs me.

It also bugs me when people don’t fill in the subject line on their e-mail. Although I must admit that if one went and looked at all the e-mails my sister and I send to each other, one would be at just as big a loss, as every single one of them says “Bing Bong.” Do you know how hard it is to go back and try to find something your sister wrote, when you have to look through 700 e-mails all with the same subject line of “Bing Bong?” It’s hard. Trust me.

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