Zoe and the Arch

Okay, I couldn’t wait. Here’s an image made this morning during our trip to the Arch (duh). That’s Zozer walking there by the Arch. Used muh new fisheye lens, hence the distortion. I have to admit I’m kinda digging the distortion. Thought about messing around with the shot in Photoshop to correct some of it, but decided I like it this way, thankyouverymuch.

Getting to the Arch first thing in the morning, before all the other tourists arrive, is the way to go. By the time we did our tram ride and bought our souvies, the place was crawling with people and the line to get in stretched from the door to past the leg. There’s no way I could have gotten this shot with just Zozer if we had gone later. (More props to M on this one…he planned our whole day and mapped everything out to maximize time. And, inadvertently, photo opps.)

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