Zoe’s Dance Card

Zoe wanted to dance tonight, so that’s what we did. In our usual spot (the darkroom) and to our usual songs, plus a few more.

Here were her requests (plus some suggestions from Mommy and Daddy), in order, with her dance partner listed:

  1. Let It Be, The Beatles, Mommy
  2. Snow, Chili Peppers, Mommy
  3. Tell Me Baby, Chili Peppers, Mommy
  4. She Looks To Me, Chili Peppers, Mommy
  5. 21st Century, Chili Peppers (she was really on a Chili Peppers roll, there), Mommy (at this point, Mommy’s arms felt like they were going to break off, since “dancing” with Zoe means holding her while we slow dance)
  6. Little Drummer Boy, Some Kick-Ass Chorale Group That I’m Too Lazy To Go Look Up, Daddy
  7. Little Drummer Boy, again (she really likes it), Daddy
  8. With or Without You, U2, Daddy
  9. The Sweetest Thing, U2, Mommy
  10. I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, U2, Mommy
  11. Where the Streets Have No Name, U2, Daddy

This was her first introduction to U2 and she appears to really like the music, which is a major plus since it’s Daddy’s favorite band (and one of Mommy’s).So, I’m thrilled that our kid has great taste in music, and that she loves to dance with us. Even if Mommy looks like a freak of nature with this stupid puffy eye.It’s getting better, by the way. The puffy eye. It’s slightly less puffy. I wore my sunglasses around work today and was alternately called “Jackie O” and “Ray Charles.” I’ll take either, as I greatly admire both. I’ve definitely been called worse!

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