January 29, 2024
I’ve been on an unsubscribe tear lately, removing all the detritus that piles up in my inbox daily and feels harmless (delete here, delete there, delete everyfuckingwhere) but, before you know it, adds up to a significant amount of time and hassle. Who wants to wade through 35 emails from companies trying to sell you the same thing they tried to sell you this morning and yesterday and every day for the eight weeks prior to find the one important email you need to see? I’ve missed timely communications because they’ve been buried in trash. Seriously, DSW, sending me six emails a day does NOT make me want to buy more shoes from you. It just makes me want to burn down whatever building your idiotic marcomm staff work in. And Lululemon, you have my entire sales history. How many leggings does one bipedal need?